Geospatial AI for overvåkning av damanlegg

As an owner, operator or regulator of a dam facility, Dam Monitoring from Rezatec gives the customer the opportunity to use updated data in a mapped visualization to uncover risks at their facility.

This makes the customer better equipped to improve risk management, safety and liability, and at the same time use their resources for inspection and maintenance in the right place at the right time.

The Dam Monitoring product includes:

• Ground motion

• Seepage

• Downstream hazards

• Dam compliance

All in one platform.

The method

Rezatec's method is a combination of advanced technology for artificial intelligence and visualization, unique historical analysis, regularly updated geospatial data for comparison against the customer's own data.

With this method, you look for unusual changes in movement. Changes in vegetation that may indicate leaks and changes in buildings and infrastructure downstream.

The result is detailed insight that provides a basis for decision-making and helps keep the dam facility safe over time.

The Platform

With dam history and risk management, enhanced by satellite data on ground movements, leaks and downstream hazard monitoring, the new platform helps you assess risk in the best possible way.

The platform provides access to advanced geospatial AI and machine learning, making advanced data more accessible and even easier to use. Map functions allow users to easily explore datasets in detail, visualize through graphs and trendlines, and compare against their own data.

See for yourself here

The platform provides a comprehensive historical analysis and an initial 3-year historical data analysis of:

Comprehensive ongoing monitoring

Monthly ongoing change analysis and updates

Data from every 6-12 day

An interactive platform

Trend analysis on a monthly, annual and over 3-year basis

Identify seasonal trends both retrospectively and in forward monitoring

Visualize data analysis through maps

The data provided in the portal can be exported

Analysis of urban changes, buildings or infrastructure

And much more!

Uniongata 18
3732 SKIEN
+47 90966420

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