
A manufacturer of watercourse safety equipment

Aqua Guardian was established in 2000 and is today part of Ovun. With the Aqua Guardian product series in the portfolio, Ovun is now a manufacturer of quality equipment for watercourse safety

Watercourse safety means both safety for third parties and safety for operations in regulated waterways and water reservoirs.

Ovun's product series 'Aqua Guardian' in themselves will never be able to eliminate the risk of mishaps and accidents. But rather work as a necassary measure based on a risk and vulnerability analysis, to reduce the risk of mishaps and accidents.

Vassfall and Ovun continuously collaborate on product development with a strong focus on sustainability.


The Aqua Guardian Barrier are designed to withstand Northern European climate conditions year after year.

Ovun manufactures and delivers powerful barriers for use in hydropower industry. Both for use in watercourses and on reservoirs. The product performs well under seasonal variations, extreme weather conditions, thick ice and large water level changes.

The barrier can be delivered as a single open or singel closed solution. In a single open installation the floats are mounted with a small gap, in a single closed installation the floats are mounted without any gap.

These are year-round installations designed and developed to withstand the harsh Scandinavian climate.


The Aqua Guardian Visual Marking and Safety Line is a clear warning to third parties traveling in and by regulated watercourses and reservoirs. The lines would typically be placed in a safe zone in front of dams, intake hatches and other areas with dangerous water currents.

After the product was presented to the market in 2010, more than 30,000 meters of marking lines have been installed in Norwegian and Swedish waterways and water reservoirs. An important effect of the spread is that third parties eventually recognize the visual signal when traveling from place to place.

Marking lines have a low investment cost, are easy to handle and provide a significant increase in safety for third parties when these are installed correctly.


Ovun supplies a number of different buoys for waterway safety. Buoys that stand alone as a visual signal, or buoys in combination with lines and barriers to secure the shape of the installation.

Several of the buoys can be supplied with signs, lights, radar reflectors and various types of sensors and communication.


Ovun provides all types of signs regarding watercourse safety and equipment to mount these. Hereunder danger, prohibition and information signs. We also provide reservoir signs with case specific information and maps to give third persons sufficient safety information in both summer- and wintertime.

In our work with third person safety, we acknowledge the great importance of proper signage. By proper signage, third persons travelling in or by watercourses or reservoirs should gain necessary information to be able to stay safe in such areas. This demands both correct location of signs and that the message is clear and easy to understand. We keep special attention to field of view, vegetation and snow when location of signs is decided. It´s important to assess whether figures are sufficient, or if text is needed as well.

Uniongata 18
3732 SKIEN
+47 90966420

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